Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Green Fingers, Inky Fingers.

The world of horticulture has produced some great writers.

My own favourites include Christopher Lloyd, Henry Mitchell, Beth Chatto, Charles Elliot, Josef Capek and Beverly Nichols.

That said it's also produced some stinkers. Alan Titchmarsh won a Literary Review Bad Sex in Fiction Award for his novel Mr Mac Gregor

But is any of the writing that’s to be found in blogs, of exemplary quality?

Or is it just ephemeral chaff.

Is there a blog that is always a joy to read?

Or a single post that you enjoy so much that you have read it a number of times?


Alex Johnson said...

I like Emma Townshend's blog in The Independent, A Nice Green Leaf. She's jolly, she's interesting, she replies to people who comment on her posts and she realises that the secret of a good post is not to bang on for hundreds of words.

I should disclose that I actually work for The Independent's online sites (and also that Emma reads and often comments on my own blog), but even if I didn't and she didn't then I'd still recommend her.

Anonymous said...

Typing On The Void

Anonymous said...

VP said...

Kate writes very well and is generous with her comments too.

emmat said...

v nice of Alex. I think I should be ruled out as entirely incompetent, but there we go.
My favourite writing on the internet about gardening - actual gardening - is probably Ketzel Levine.
I just love how she writes about plants. There's not very many people who can really do it. But I think she can.
Sorry not to nominate somebody British, it's a bit annoying to do an American. Maybe?

The Garden Monkey said...

Not at all - we love Americans.

emmat said...

I would also nominate Blackpitts, but that seems too obvious. Is that too obvious? Does James A-S need any more love than the love he already gets from us all? Maybe. He certainly can write about a plant. And his photos are supercool, to use a French phrase.

Anonymous said...

I think the following all have really exceptional writing:


Hills and Plains

Fluffy Muppet

A Thinking Stomach

Daughter of the Soil

Of course there are others too!

emmat said...

I agree with Patrick about Daughter of the Soil. She has a lovely way of writing. And a jerusalem artichoke in the shape of an elephant.

Anonymous said...

I love Snappy crocs garden blog, it is really well written.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Emma.
In my experience there are three things of which you cannot have enough: cakes, love and well rotted manure.

Anonymous said...

Kate,a seedsaver in Australia, at writes about everything to do with vegetable gardens - and often its incredibly funny or deep-and-meaningful or inciteful or opinionated. I love it all. Check out the labels 'Food for Thought' and 'Anecdotes' for Kate's best stuff.Its very popular - check out the Feedjit map - it looks like its got measles!

Kate said...

Thanks Patrick! It is embarrassing voting for myself but someone's got to do it!

This is THE blog for the thinking vegie gardener!

emmat said...

What if we all stalk you, like Ian MCEwan's Enduring Love? Surely that's too much?

I definitely had too much cake the Christmas I failed to put the marzipan on until the 2nd January. I had to eat almost the entire cake myself and put on one and a half stone which probably isn't quite gone even now.

Maybe I should go outside and do some actual gardening for a change.

arcady said...

It is not a typical gardening blog, though it has more than just a 'whisper of gardens' (more like a low conversational murmur), but I vote for the lovely writing of Plinius at

Anonymous said...

i like this one

Anonymous said...

nomegrown gets my vote - an excellent, informative and funny read!

Anonymous said...
gets my vote too

Anonymous said...

I love reading Weed it and Reap

It's really well written, and was the inspiration for writing my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Amusing writings on blogs:


Frankie said...

Blackpitts for the music.
Horticultural for the black elder lead.

HappyMouffetard said...

Blogging at Blackpitts, not least for the word 'dephlogistications' on the front page.

Anonymous said...

You have to go for James Alexander-Sinclair.

A frothing mixture of the charm and elan of James Hunt, the vision of Alexander the Great, and the headlong obsession with technology of the Sinclair C5.

I am listening to "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.